Wichita, KS—In response to the issuance of Emergency Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2005-05-52 resulting from the discovery of extensive cracks in the wing spars of Cessna 400 Series twin engine aircraft, Yingling Aviation is offering operators of the affected aircraft full visual and eddy current inspections as well as modifications designed to correct existing conditions and prevent future propagation. Yingling, located on Wichita’s Mid-Continent Airport, holds the distinction of being the first operation to be named a Cessna authorized service center. The firm is a world leader in providing service and support to all models of Cessna propeller-driven aircraft.
“We have more existing engineering, established maintenance procedures, tooling and expertise working on Cessna twin engine aircraft than any other facility in the world,” noted Lynn Nichols, president of Yingling. “On the basis of our experience providing wing spar proof kits for virtually every 300 and 400 Series Cessna twin, we are the best equipped location in the country for complying with this emergency A D,” he added.
Yingling was instrumental in developing the repair scheme for this Airworthiness Directive following the discovery of severe cracking in the vicinity of the forward spar and outboard engine beam on two Cessna Model 402C airplanes. Fatigue analysis also showed that similar fatigue cracks could develop in the wings of the Model 414A airplanes. The FAA issued AD# 2005-05-52 on March 2, 2005, effective upon receipt, requiring visual inspections for all Model 402C airplanes with fewer than 15,000 to time in service (TIS) and repetitive inspections thereafter at intervals not to exceed 110 hours TIS until accumulating 15,000 hours. The FAA requires initial inspections within the next two days following receipt of the emergency AD for specified aircraft and outlines
procedures for conducting both the inspection and the repair process in the event that cracks are found.
“We’re well aware that there are hundreds of aircraft affected by this AD and we understand the urgency associated with getting the required inspections completed. We will be extremely responsive to impacted operators,” Nichols added.